Carbon footprints are a measure of the amount of environmental impact a person leaves in their wake. This summer I am aware of another kind of footprint – more of a heartprint – moments that make us, change us, somehow alter and impact the landscape of our lives.
Today, I’d like to share some footprints, or moments, from my summer – memorable, meaningful, and life-changing. Be blessed!
This picture gives the briefest summary, through footwear, of the focus of this year in our family, I call it – The Blessed Event. The wedding, and let us not forget, the marriage, of our daughter to her great guy, Sean.
Let me set the scene…..
…peach chiffon gowns draped over one shoulder of eight gorgeous young women, friends of the bride, a beautiful blond bride in a champagne colored dress covered in sparkling beads and pearls trailing all the way down the four foot long train, a large room with double story windows covering one wall looking out onto a view of the ocean, twenty one round tables covered in black linen tablecloths and decorated with a single floating peach rose, the scent of those roses filling the air mingled with the sound of laughter and, smiles sprinkled liberally through out the evening.
Yet, this was only the icing on the day, the pretty packaging of the blissful beginnings of something more.
People. People and loved ones everywhere. Sharing sentiments, sharing the celebration, sharing their love for each other.
This wedding is a beginning, a start to something new, some new ways in our family, some new people. A new family is born – for the couple, for us a new son; not only a Blessed Event, but also, a sacred one. I’m not sure what it all means, but it was a moment. I’ve come out differently.
More changes, more moments for me, have all started from these two chubby little feet that have altered the landscape of my heart.
Tiny footprints that like to tread back and forth through a room or on the sand at the beach, while his little hands are always filled with a toy in each hand.
Moments with my one year old grandson, Clarky, have been some of the sweetest of summer. Becoming Mor-Mor (grandma) has altered me.
It wasn’t a chosen path (I was not a part of that story!) – yet, it has become me and made me different.
I’ve always walked through life with purpose – a five year plan, a goal, the next step ever in sight. Yet, I’ve seen this summer that sometimes our ‘becomings’ have little to do with our plans.
Many becomings just quietly side-step into our lives – undirected, unchoreographed – not of our choosing – and, they are somehow the making of us.
My becoming Mor-Mor might be one of those moments.
My heart has softened. One little being has grown me into something ‘more’ (excuse the pun) and has grown my heart.
Remember the Dr. Seus story ‘The Grinch’? At the end of all the Grinch’s scheming and plannings to ruin Christmas, he realizes his plans have failed and his perspective is altered. And in a great animation moment – the Grinch’s hearts grows – “three sizes that day” (for YouTube video click here).
Unplanned. Unpurposed. Becoming.
Other moments this summer, small ones, but worth mentioning….
The purpose driven side of me has purposed one new thing this summer to ‘step into’.
Yes, that seems the correct wording – for me growing in some new social media paths. A quantum leap exchanging my antique razor cell phone and moving into this decade by purchasing an antique smart phone (antique because I don’t want to move too fast, or spend too much!).
I’ve made this step with the express purpose of becoming an Instagrammer. It might be worth the move into newer gadgets, albeit ‘smarter’ ones (that, unfortunately, seem to outsmart me). A step in a new direction, and I’m liking it.
Would love to have you follow me on Instagram at: SandraJBlogger.
I’ve made one other tiny step this summer – a move towards tidy.
Emphasis on the toward, meaning not yet arrived or even close.
I read a book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ by Marie Kondo. Her primary mantra is only keep around you things that ‘create joy’. I’ll share a link that gives a good overview of the lessons Marie Kondu teaches (here). The message is a wee bit zen, for me, but it has impacted several corners of my world – meaning I’m tidying – more than before. That’s noteworthy.
Number one impact has been on my tote bag that I carry all my blogging stuff (computer, pens, notebooks, etc). I would give it a “most improved” rating. Anyway, it’s a fascinating read if for nothing more than reading about a woman who has a ‘mission’ to clean – I’m always a lover of quirky characters and real life stories.
Heart movers…heart growers…moments that have changed me. That’s what I’ve been learning this summer. How about you?
Joining Emily’s ChattingattheSky Link Up,Holley’s CoffeeformyHeart, Lyli’s ThoughtProvokingThursdays, Jennifer’s TellHisStory,
Nice to meet you at #TellHisStory, Sandra. Congratulations on your daughter’s marriage and on your relationship with your grandchild. I was happy to see “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” here. I’ve been so curious about it and will definitely use your link. (Don’t know if I really want to buy and read the whole thing!
Hi Betsy! Glad we’re neighbors this week at #TellHisStory. The Magic of Tidying Up book is a captivating read and premise – hope you’ll like it. Blessings!
What a beautiful reflection on summer and thank you for sharing your photos 🙂 This spoke to me: “Yet, I’ve seen this summer that sometimes our ‘becomings’ have little to do with our plans.” Yes, I can relate; I am learning to lean into God and what he allows.
Thanks for your comments, Dolly. Liking your wording of ‘leaning in’ to God and His leading. May God lead you into refreshing places this summer!
I love how you took everything back to one little step. My revelation is that everything in life is about taking one little step. Sometimes those steps are steps that someone else takes (like when your children had children) and sometimes they are steps of faith that each and every one of us takes.
I also upgraded to an older smart phone last summer, just because I didn’t want to spend too much. I’m used to it know, but there were times I really hated it.
Rosanna – Thanks for stopping by! I love your perspective about life being about ‘little steps’…how true. I’m still adjusting to a ‘smarter’ phone, it may take awhile, but the photos may move me forward. Glad we connected this week!
What a beautiful wedding it must have been! Thanks so much for inviting us into this very personal glimpse into your life and world. I was greatly blessed. Savor this summer and its memories and transitions. Time will fly by! I recall our daughter and son and their weddings and the births of their children. Now the oldest of those grandchildren is already beginning her senior year in college and the next oldest will be a sophomore in college. It resonates when I realize when I go shopping at Christmas some stores are not in the right age/size for me to look through. Blessings on you! I did sign up to follow you on Instagram!! Yeah for you!!
Dear Pam – Much thanks for your sweet comments!! I so appreciate your insights and am thrilled I have one new Instagram follower (thanks!). Blessings to you and yours today!