I sometimes forget. More than I care to remember.
I’d like to blame it on being ‘a-certain-age’, or at least, hormonal issues. Can you relate? [Read more…]
I sometimes forget. More than I care to remember.
I’d like to blame it on being ‘a-certain-age’, or at least, hormonal issues. Can you relate? [Read more…]
I struggle sometimes with wanting my words to ‘matter’, yet they do matter, possibly most to those closest to me – the ones I am not even aware I am speaking to.
And, let’s be honest, the way I measure the import of my words is probably social media ‘likes‘ or ‘shares‘. The more likes the more the words matter.
Not. Always. True. [Read more…]
I still remember the moment, standing in the crowded hallway outside my daughter’s elementary school classroom and overhearing three women across the hall discussing plans for a party for one of their daughters, one my daughter didn’t get invited to. One of the mom’s glanced up as they were talking, caught my eye and quickly looked away, their discussion ending abruptly.
Have you ever experienced being excluded from the group or the event? It seems such a small thing. But, small things can have a big impact on my daily walk.
I don’t expect to be bothered by the small stuff. I’d like to think I’m bigger than that.
I’d like to believe I am somehow above the petty irritants in life – things like long lines, traffic jams, people who won’t stop talking (even at church events), meetings that go on and on, appointments that are hard to make – life’s little stuff can be hard to deal with.
It reminds me, it doesn’t take much to bring me down in life.
I’d like to say, only big things bring me down – monsters like ‘911’ terrorist attacks, school bombings, cancer, the grief of war – the stuff that makes even soldiers weep.
But, truthfully, it doesn’t take much to bring me down. [Read more…]
“There is a universal tendency to want to be someone else.” (Parker Palmer, “Let Your Life Speak”)
I’ve wanted it. To be like someone else.
Or, at the very least, I’ve looked over there, at someone else’s life, and thought – that looks kinda easy – or kinda nice.
I wouldn’t mind that life – or, that house – or, that income – or that gifting. [Read more…]
For those of you who’ve played any sport, you know – there are sweet spots on a ball that if you hit it just right – dead center – you can feel the ping of a perfect hit.
I’m wondering if that analogy could extend to life and just what it might look like when you hit a sweet spot in life?
I learned this concept of the ‘sweet spot’ on the tennis court. [Read more…]