‘Every step matters’ is my mantra, or word(s), for 2020. I read those words in a Susie Larson book and it resonated head to toe –‘Yes!’. Those 3 words have revisited me – daily. They’re slowly embedding themselves into my thinking and I’m choosing to live like it.
It’s time for me to count the small steps. To reassign significance, where significance is due.
Each and every move – every step we take makes us. It forms us, little by little, step by step. Without that step we couldn’t grow, we’d be stuck, unmoving.
I need to stop counting only the big steps, the finishes – the college graduation, the published book, the half marathon. I need to count the starts- the walk around the block, the 500 word blog post, the one class I’m taking.
Truly, without the starts there would be no finishes. And, even my missteps and failures count. We learn and grow there; they are a vital part of life’s journey. Every. Step. Matters.
Just this past week I took two brave baby steps into new ground that I’m trying to take back in my life. I’ll be honest, those two baby steps were ‘unsucccessful’ – just plain didn’t work. But, I’m choosing to count them – to pat myself on the back for a step out and I’m choosing to keep walking forward. Every. Step. Matters. Even the missteps.
“Do not despise these small beginnings”. Zechariah 4:10
‘Just a thought’ was a part of a post (here) I wrote last month – because there is no such thing! Thoughts produce something. Always. It’s even true physiologically – every thought stimulates a hormonal or neurological response – these become pathways, memories which form our brain. Our thoughts are, literally, making us.
Thoughts matter. Desperately. As a follower of God I want to walk as He walks – I want to think as He thinks – I want my ways to line up with His ways, which are always life producing.
My question to myself – ‘Do my thoughts produce life‘?
I learned an astounding truth this past year, you probably already know it – our emotions follow our thoughts. It reminds me and convicts me, that I must take control of my thoughts. Guard ‘em. I choose who I entertain and what I fill my mind with. And those choices will lead the rest of me – my emotions, my actions, even my body follows the path my thoughts lead.
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7
Further resource: Jennie Allen, IF founder, released a new book this year “Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts”. Well known neuroscientist, Dr. Carolyn Leif, has written extensively on this subject.
Our bodies matter, so my question to myself – Do I act like it? Do I pause when I am worn out and weary, when I ache all over and I’m not sure quite why -what do I do?
I’ll admit it – I get mad. I tell myself ‘You can do this. Just. Keep. Going.’ Then, I pour myself another cup of coffee, maybe two, grab the high carb sugary snack (if I’m being good it’s got some extra protein) and then I feed myself a line “What’s wrong with you? Get moving! Remember your list.’ This might be called motivational – but it has a strong sense of guilt trip written in it.
Am I caring for my body or trying to control it?
I’m no theologian, but I think we need to take a 2nd look – a listen – to our feelings towards our bodies.
The truth is – God designed our bodies – in His image – one by one, cell by cell. He knows you and I and He said – “it is very good”. Do I believe it? Or do I complain to God that I am too tall, or too ____, you know the place you doubt His goodness.
What is a healthy approach to our bodies?
I get the feeling that it is more spiritual somehow to ignore our bodies – focus on spiritual stuff. The amazing truth is God showed Himself to us in skin – human form – starting at our most vulnerable, infant state! And God’s perfect plan to save us once and for all – redemption – happened in Jesus very body through his death and resurrection. No. Small. Thing.
God made us – whole people – body, soul, and spirit – He clothed us in skin and He asks us to live out our lives – even our spiritual lives – in these same bodies. They matter.
“In Him we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28). Full bodied faith – embracing our spirit, mind and body. Our bodies matter – let’s give God thanks for His goodness to us, even in this.
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” – I Cor 6:19,20
**A question – what matters to you today? I’d love to hear about it in the comments, or share your thoughts with someone you hold dear. May God bless you and enrich you in your here and now places….
A resource: Ann Voskamp is promoting a new ‘Move‘ app (dwellapp.io) – she is encouraging us to move as we listen to Scripture – moving our bodies and our souls, together. I love it!
Joining Emily’s ‘What I’ve Learned‘ Link Up
Hi Sandra, i replied to you comment on my blog but i am not sure how that works and if you get a notification on that but this is what i said: Every Moment Holy is where the prayer was from but Andrew Petersons new book is called Adorning the Dark and i am currently reading that one. both are great. Every Moment Holy isn’t his book it is by Douglas McKelvey i believe
Jenn, Thanks for clarifying! I’ve been taking a short hiatus from major time on internet due to a back problem, so my responses may be delayed. I did put myself on a hold with my local library for ‘Adorning the Dark’. Thanks for the idea.
loved your musings on thoughts. so very good. yes, thoughts matter and we must guard them. thank you for your post