1) Questions
I’m starting an odd collection, one I’ve never heard collected before. I am starting to collect questions. I save them. Write them down in a special question journal, so I won’t forget. I’m becoming a ‘Question Keeper’ this past year.
Questions mean something to me. They have value; gold in the store room of life. They teach me about myself. Questions see into my soul. They burn there, they move, they light a fire. They go deep.
In the past I craved answers. I would search and search for the one right answer or solution to live best in a moment. No. More.
I’ve been noticing God – who knows all – asks questions. He approaches us kindly in this way, even though He knows what is best for us – He knows the answer – still, He asks. He invites us to join Him in the discussion and in the participation of His good life here on earth.
Ever the gentleman, God waits to for our response. We must invite Him to walk life with us. He waits – for our invitation – He waits for our ‘Ask’…
‘Ask and it shall be given….’ Matthew 7:7
I’ll be asking more questions in my blog posts. Delight me by noticing. Leave a comment or a question. That’ll delight me too!
2) Podcasts!
Like I said, not-so-new, but I love them!
My favorite podcasts are interviews, which I discovered through Hope*Writers. It turns out Emily P. Freeman is not only a terrific writer, she’s a terrific interviewer. As a fan of biography and memoir, I’ve found interviews deliver what I love most – personal data. There are so many good podcasts, I’ll share just one I enjoy – Mike Rowe’s “That’s How I Heard It”. I’m hoping you’ll share one of your favorites in the comments and add to my delight!
3) Permission Granted
Remember signing ‘Permission Slips’ for your children? Your signature gave permission for your child to attend a field trip, or it may have involved permission to not participate (for instance, skip gym class if your child broke their arm, etc..). You get the picture. Permission to do or not to do something.
Well, I heard about the idea of giving a ‘permission slip to self’ over twenty years ago and it’s been a gift – truly, it’s grace – permission to opt out of something. For a gal with a bit of a ‘have to’ guilty conscience this has meant a lot. Try it – the holidays are a great time – it may delight you, too.
4) Mi-Fi
For those of you who’ve made it this far in this post, I’ll tell you a little known fact about me – I live partially off the grid. The grid I’m speaking of is social media.
To clarify, my husband and I have chosen to live without internet connection at our home, and without cable or tv connection the past ten years. Nature, herself, has further limited our social connectedness by blocking our cell phone signals, due to 70 foot trees around the perimeter of our property.
Funny fact, of all our off-the-grid choices, our daughters were most distraught over the lack of cell phone coverage (this is parental torture to high schoolers). Our recent purchase of ‘Mi-Fi’, which is essentially a home hot spot of wi-fi, has altered my world. I no longer do a daily drive to the library or a coffee shop to connect. Ahhhhhhh.
**I wish each of you a delightful Thanksgiving! May you discover treasures in the faces of those in your midst and in the smallest corners of your world. God bless you!
Linking up with Emily P. Freeman’s ‘Things I Learned’
i have more that are on my list but podcast were one of mine too and the 4 i have listed are just the ones I’ve consistently listened too.
Jenn, Nice to be in sync with you on the love of podcasts. Enjoyed your ‘spot’ today and thought I’d share your podcasts here – The Next Right thing by Emily P Freemen,
That Sounds Fun by Annie F Downs, Correct Options by Trey Kennedy.
Thanks for the visit!