‘More‘. What Do You Long for More of?
I’m a happy – well, correction – I’m an ecstatic grandmother of two. When you become a grandmother you find yourself not only with a new role, but, also needing a new name.
Will you be ‘nana’, ‘grammy’, ‘grandma’, ‘mimi’, or ‘gran’?
I never thought about requiring a new name until sitting with my grandson in my lap, and wanting to call myself something to alert him to my special role in his life. My relationship needed naming and I wanted it to be good.
I decided to become “bestemor”, because of my Norwegian heritage, this being the literal translation for ‘grandmother’ in Norwegian.
It soon became apparent that name was going to be too big – too long – too many unpronounceable syllables for a wee one’s mouth. My sister gave me my answer – my new name – ‘mor-mor’. Once again, a Norwegian title that means ‘mom’s-mom’. Perfect! Easy for little ones and kinda sweet to my mind.
Oddly, the name has other implications that grab me.
I’m all about ‘more‘ – more chocolate (bring it on), more baby cuddle time, more cookies, more of my favorite writer’s books, more chartreuse dishes to decorate my kitchen wall. You get the picture! More of the good stuff, please.
I discovered a Bible verse that to me is the spiritual equivalent of ‘more‘:
“They desired a better country, that is a heavenly one…”
Hebrews 11:16
They longed for something more. Better. That grabs me.
All of this conversation about more leads me to a question – what am I longing for more of? What do I dream of? Wish for? Where do my thoughts drifts towards in a free moment?
For me, these are heart questions.
I’d be embarrassed to share some of my longings – they aren’t always for the truly good stuff in life. Sometimes I long for things like more home décor (a new couch?), more friends, more money, more ‘Likes’ on my FB page, or more blog readers.
For today, I’m liking the question.
I’m going to ponder it a bit. I’m going to let it marinate in my mind.
Sometimes I need a mental ‘Re-set’. I need to hit the ‘Pause’ button on my current train of thoughts and reprogram myself. Literally, fix my thoughts elsewhere.
For today this is what I want more of….
- I want to have more heavenly thoughts.
- I want my mind to be fixed more on God’s home, rather than this earthly one.
- I want more treasures in heaven – this earthly stuff I’m collecting is decomposing at a fast rate.
- I want a better country, truly, a heavenly one.
This Mor-Mor’s asking the question – what do you long for more of?
**Lord, You get us – our desires and longings – our occasional fixations on things that really aren’t truly good. Lord, guide our thoughts. Direct our ways. Give us eyes that see and hearts that long for more of the good stuff.
LInking up with Holley’s LetsHaveCoffee