Recently, I was scrolling down the long list of forty plus comments on a fellow blogger’s post, the list went on-and-on, everybody wanted to add their mark of approval, their accolade, to the beautifully written post.
I had to stop myself – take my finger off the down arrow – and think.
Perhaps, a comment might be more needed on a less popular blog. I went with my gut instinct and found a strong, but otherwise, unnoticed blog post to comment on.
How easy it is for me to follow ‘the greats’ – the obvious winners, the stand-outs, in their field – whether it be sports, speaking, or writing. I get in line with a large number of followers to join, to sign up, and to follow a ‘great’. It’s easy. It feels right.
Sometimes I wonder, who would Jesus notice?
The greats are great for a reason – I’m not dishing their talent or their popularity. They deserve notice. They will be noticed. They will be followed. The question I’m asking myself today is what is my calling in life?
I find myself challenged by the simple truth that my calling might look different than another Christian’s calling. Somehow, I want everyone to do what I am doing – I want to be understood – I want fairness.
Oddly, fairness is not part of the faithfulness equation.
Faithfulness is just doing what God’s calls me to do – regardless of what others do. It means following what God speaks to my heart – not following others.
So, today the question remains what path should I follow?
The path after the greats is well trodden – easy to see – it is well marked, but is that the only way? Is it my path to follow?
I believe I might be called to a less followed path.
When I consider others – which I don’t often take the time to do – the small voice inside sees smaller people – ones not in the limelight, ones who aren’t quite so visible, ones who may be discouraged. Perhaps, need a pat on the back. A sweet comment. A smile.
People who may not be on the top of the social ladder, or at the top of their field. Small, somehow, with feelings and dreams and passions, but they are not always realized, or noticed.
Regular people. They aren’t the greats. They might be better described as ‘the leasts’.
Today, I want to notice the unnoticed. I want to respect those who haven’t always been respected. I want to choose, the less chosen. I want to applaud, the less applauded.
Today, I choose to see the leasts.
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Matthew 25:40
**Lord, give me eyes to see and a heart able to love, even the least. Amen.
Linking up with Holley’s Coffeeforyourheart
Sandra, This is a great reminder to all of us! When I am looking at my Instagram feed tomorrow morning, I am going to try to comment on many of the “leasts”. Their posts deserve praise and attention, and I know from my own personal experience, that receiving comments on your blog or Instagram posts mean a lot to the author!
Susan – I’m glad this got you thinking. I’ve been convicted many times of the power of even one single ‘LIKE”. I wonder why I don’t press that little LIKE button more often and bless people left and right! Bless you for noticing today!