I sometimes forget. More than I care to remember.
I’d like to blame it on being ‘a-certain-age’, or at least, hormonal issues. Can you relate? [Read more…]
I sometimes forget. More than I care to remember.
I’d like to blame it on being ‘a-certain-age’, or at least, hormonal issues. Can you relate? [Read more…]
I still remember the moment, standing in the crowded hallway outside my daughter’s elementary school classroom and overhearing three women across the hall discussing plans for a party for one of their daughters, one my daughter didn’t get invited to. One of the mom’s glanced up as they were talking, caught my eye and quickly looked away, their discussion ending abruptly.
Have you ever experienced being excluded from the group or the event? It seems such a small thing. But, small things can have a big impact on my daily walk.
I don’t expect to be bothered by the small stuff. I’d like to think I’m bigger than that.
I’d like to believe I am somehow above the petty irritants in life – things like long lines, traffic jams, people who won’t stop talking (even at church events), meetings that go on and on, appointments that are hard to make – life’s little stuff can be hard to deal with.
It reminds me, it doesn’t take much to bring me down in life.
I’d like to say, only big things bring me down – monsters like ‘911’ terrorist attacks, school bombings, cancer, the grief of war – the stuff that makes even soldiers weep.
But, truthfully, it doesn’t take much to bring me down. [Read more…]
For those of you who’ve played any sport, you know – there are sweet spots on a ball that if you hit it just right – dead center – you can feel the ping of a perfect hit.
I’m wondering if that analogy could extend to life and just what it might look like when you hit a sweet spot in life?
I learned this concept of the ‘sweet spot’ on the tennis court. [Read more…]
Entering the church at my dear friend’s wedding some 28 years ago, I was met by an unexpected sight – a live cow stood in a stall, directly behind the front doors – in the center of the entry hall; right next to the guest book. It might have been the smell I remember best.
The point of the cow was to tell everyone that this was a ten cow wife.
No ordinary woman, but a precious and treasured woman, worth not one, but ten cows.
The bride had grown up as a missionary kid in Africa where her dad was a long time bush pilot. My friend had stood out among the native tribes – with her long ash blond hair and sweet disposition – she was seen as a catch. Her dad had been approached on several occasions with offers of marriage for his beautiful daughter, once being offered the large sum of a whole ten cows as a bride price.
Her dad gave the sermon at this wedding, and he told the story of another ten cow wife from his missionary journeys.
I tell the story, as best as I remember, to remind us of the importance of treating our spouses as great treasure.
Once upon a time… there was a man who fell in love with a lovely woman from a nearby tribe. She captured his heart from the first, and he decided she was the woman he must marry. He was a man of fair means, and had the ability to purchase a bride of great value, as he had a dowry of an entire ten cows at his disposal.
The woman he had chosen, was a woman of good character, attractive stature, and from a family of good standing, but not of ten cow caliber, as considered by the community. She was, perhaps, a five cow wife.
The young man went to her parents to bargain for the woman his heart had settled upon, and much to the surprise of the community he insisted on paying a ten cow dowry to the woman’s family, for such was the value he felt for her.
You know the rest of the story, from that day on this woman’s value changed, she was now looked upon as a truly treasured wife – a woman of great value. From that day on, she became a ten cow wife.
Our treatment of our spouses reflects on their value.
When we treat our husbands and wives with great reverence and respect, when we favor them, they become favored ones.
Oh, that my words and my actions would surround my loved ones, that they would know the great value and treasure they are to me.
The story of the ten cow wife reminds me of our relationship with God; God describes us as His treasured bride. It’s an amazing truth – you and I are God’s beloved.
Like the ten cow wife – God chose you.
Like the ten cow wife – God paid an exorbitant price for you.
Like the ten cow wife – God enters into a covenant love relationship with you.
“As a young man marries a young woman,
So will Your builder marry you;
As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride,
So will Your God rejoice over you.”
Isaiah 62:5
What a picture of our covenant relationship with God – we are His treasured bride and He rejoices over us – ‘as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride’.
A treasure of great worth. A gift of great joy!
**Lord, thank you for not only loving us, but rejoicing over us! Give us Your heart and eyes to see our spouses as You do and teach us to treasure them. To You be the glory!
A Personal Note: The last wedding photo is a picture of my daughter and her hubby, Sean. For those who’ve been following and praying for our family since Sean’s diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, here’s the update….Sean’s cancer is not operable at this time, so he’s chosen a promising experimental treatment of a radioactive chemo and we are thankful and hopeful for God’s hand of healing with and through this choice. I thank you deeply for your prayerful support!
Wants. Needs. Gotta have ‘ems.
I have ‘want’ lists in my head. Is there something you want? Perhaps a better job, or a bigger home, a spouse? Some thing you feel would improve your life. Make life ‘better’.
“The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want.”
– Psalm 23:1 [Read more…]