My 3 year old grandson is currently immobilized in a bright blue and red body cast with a spiderman emblem emblazoned like a small badge of honor in a belt around his waist.
The cast starts below his armpits and follows his body down each leg to just above his ankles. He can move his arms, hands, head and wiggle his toes and that’s about it. This cast is holding his hips solid while he heals from 2 hip surgeries he’s had for a genetic hip dislocation.
When I first saw his pale, waif-like body fully encased in a cast in the hospital, propped in a bed of white pillows, not moving, I felt a crushing blow to my body. A physical, visceral reaction.
“No!”, my heart cried, “this isn’t right.”
Yet, these surgeries are right. They are realigning his hip and leg bones enabling him to walk tall and straight. These surgeries are correcting his off-centered wobbly gait and allowing him to walk normally into adulthood.
This road to walking for him is not easy, but it can’t be avoided.
Life is full of troubles.
I’ll be honest, my usual approach to troubles are wild attempts to get out of whatever trouble I’m facing.
My prayers sound something like this:
“Get me out of here! Now!”
I was challenged recently to pray and seek a bigger vision – a vision of what God is doing in the midst of my troubles. I’ll be honest, I’ve never done that. (Priscilla Shirer, “The Voice of God”)
I’ve never looked for God in my trouble. I’m too busy trying to get out of them.
Can you relate? Is there some place in life you want ‘out‘? Is there some trouble you want removed?
I need to stop trying to get out! Rather, ask God to ‘Come in‘.
‘Come by here, Lord. Show me Your glory. Work out Your plan. Move in this place – Thy kingdom come. Right here. Right now. In the midst of all this.’
Troubles are not good. But, God is good and God is able to redeem troubles for His good and perfect purposes.
Maybe you and I aren’t in the wrong place, rather you and I are perfectly placed for what God plans to do. (*Priscilla Shirer Simulcast April 17, 2017) .
Maybe this is what a faith position looks like.
Faith asks us to lean in – in trust. Relax your shoulders and your clenched teeth, relax your tightened grip – your attempt to hold on to control of your situation, and move into the waiting arms of God.
From this position we can watch God work. Watch God’s plan unfold in the hard place. See how God lifts us up, causes us to stand, and walks us into His good plans and purposes for our lives.
“To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy.”
– Jude 1:24
LInking up with Holley’s CoffeeforYourHeart, Kelly’s RaRaLinkUp
So true!
I think with me and my rush to run out of time out (or casts and waiting) has taught me that my life detours have a brilliant view. They’re the scenic path.
He’s been God a long time so He knows what He’s doing and desires to walk with me through whatever.
Blessed by this one Sandra.
But I’d honestly be with you wishing quick recovery for your grandson.
He looks like he’s not in that much pain but the pain is healing (go figure)
Thanks so much! Like your thought that ‘life detours offer a wonderful view’. Bless you today!
I’ve never looked for God in my trouble. I’m too busy trying to get out of them.<—I can SO relate! I hope that your little grandson heals like a champ. Our little son is a Spider-man fan too. He's been through his own share of medical woes and wins! I love this post because it is a great reminder to lean in and let God into the hard places we just don't want to be in. Love to you as you blog, photograph life, and write for Him.
Jennifer, neighbor to you at Holley's linkup
Hi Jenn, Thanks for your sweet thoughts and your visit. Enjoyed visiting your blog and connecting with you in the blogosphere today.