Hearts hold a special affection for me. It began when I was in a Old Testament Bible Study of I and II Kings, it was there I noticed God cares about hearts. Deeply.
“Man looks at the outward appearance;
the Lord looks at the heart.” I Sam 16:7
Reading the Old Testament and the long lineage of kings I noticed each king was given a brief bio in the Bible – the year of succession, years of reign, year of death, and, always, the condition of their hearts towards God.
I was intrigued and, so, I began a personal study of what the Bible says about our hearts. I purchased a new Bible and a pink heart stamp pen and I stamped a small pink heart to the side of any mention in the Bible of the heart. I still notice any mention of hearts in the Bible. I am drawn to this topic that matters to God.
Since that time, one of my favorite character traits of God is that of God as our ‘heart former‘.
“He who forms the hearts of all;
who considers everything they do.”
– Psalm 33:15
I am awed by the picture of God forming my very heart, not just the outer layer of me – but forming my ‘inmost being”.
“He created my inmost being;
He knit me together in my mother’s womb..
His eyes saw my unformed body before one of my days came to be.”
– Psalm 139: 13,14
We seek so hard to understand ourselves – not wrongly – rather, out of a desperate desire ‘to know’ – so we can ‘be known’ – be our ‘true selves’. And, yet, with this understanding the reality is – God knows us fully.
The very heart of He – created the very heart of me.
We are known – intimately, by God, Himself. He who formed our hearts and set His purposes and His plans into our being to be revealed in the life of us. As we live – as we move – as we have our being. The one He designed and formed. The one He breathed His life into.
No. Small. Thing.
And the truth is – God’s not done with us. God’s still working. He gives us a promise for what is still to come…
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you.
I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”
Ezekiel 36:26
And so, on this day of hearts, let us remember God’s plans and purposes for our hearts and how He continues to transform us – heart side – preparing us for heaven, a truly heart healthy place.
Last Sunday sitting on a pew in church, these words were read and I was reminded of the place where my heart meets with God’s heart – prayer!
“Search me, God, and know my heart,
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.”
– Psalm 139:23, 24
Let us examine our hearts and ask God to lead us into His holy truth about who we are and whose we are – God’s Beloved!
Linking up with Holley’s CoffeeforyourHeart, Lyli’sFaithonFire, Deb’s Faith’nFriends
I love the verse from proverbs… Guard your heart, for it’s a well-spring of life” no one would dare pollute their source of life-giving water in a real well, but how often do we allow things in our hearts that do nothing but pollute our spirit. Let us learn to be careful about what we allow into our inner being!
Glad you shared that verse and our need to guard our hearts from harmful influences. It’s one of my personal favorite heart verses. Blessings to you today!
Such a delight – I may need to buy a pink stamp and color up my bible! my site is welcomeheart bec when we welcome others, we show off god’s heart. thank you!
Sue, I enjoy your site ‘welcome heart’ – I am drawn to all things ‘heart’ – and I appreciate your welcoming ways. Blessings!