I’ve been noticing lately the marks people leave behind. I’m speaking about the small, every day ones. Little marks that proclaim “I was here’.
Each day I arrive at my favorite beach for a walk. Everywhere my eyes are drawn to signs that people were here. First, the tall driftwood spears sticking prominently out of the horizon – clearly placed by someone with a strong back and a vision for a vertical driftwood forest. Then, I notice the striking array of driftwood dwellings – signs of small architectural genius combined with a spark of creativity.
As I trek toward the lapping waves at the ocean’s edge, I begin to make my own marks – footprints – in the soft, wet sand. Distinct imprints marking each step I tread.
I keep my eyes peeled for words etched anywhere along my beach walk. I’m attracted to signature marks – people who’ve felt passionate enough to carve words into nature’s trunks – what treasure will this message hold? I, too, often take a stick and carve something in the sand. I can’t help myself – I’m pleased with the simple heart or the “X” I make – something to mark the spot and memorialize the moment.
There are so many places where we leave a mark. Social media brings its own brand of marks, the most common being the small round thumb’s up sign – the new universal LIKE button. Emojis, too, allow us to make a mark – some small statement – our response to a myriad of life’s stuff.
I wonder if God leaves marks – small imprints of His presence in my life that all can see?
I think the signs are there – marking His presence – reminding me of His ways. God marks my world in the oddest of places – on my heart.
After time with God my heart is somehow softer, more malleable. Gentled and more responsive – more willing to give.
Open to life – open to others – open to grace.
I’d like to call God’s marks – ‘grace markings’.
They are signposts of time spent in God’s presence – the sugar coatings that the sweetness that God’s love and truth brings.
Time spent with God has an effect – it leaves its mark – grace!
• grace lightens the load
• grace softens the blow
• grace sweetens the moment
• grace forgives the offense
• grace offers second chances
I wonder if I leave any noticeable ‘grace marks’ on my world?
Do I leave behind
- marks of judgment and perfectionism
- or the sweet icing of forgiveness and acceptance?
Grace means ready favor.
Do I offer ‘ready favor’ – grace marks – to those in my midst?
“Your grace to me was not without effect…” I Cor 15:10
**Lord, Make Your grace real to me; let Your grace have its full effect. May I reflect traces of grace – Your ready favor – to those in my midst.
Linking up with Holley’s CoffeeforyourHeart, Lyli’s FaithonFire
Grace marks. What a neat way to put it! 🙂
Sarah, Thanks for stopping by. Grace is something I don’t want to be without – in the giving or receiving. It truly sweetens life’s pot. Blessings to you!
I love your words, grace markings! Your post is inspiring and I pray that I’ll leave grace marking along the way as I walk in faith. And, I’m looking forward to my next walk so that I may seek out the markings of God along the way!
Glad we connected on the blogosphere, Robin. Wishing you sweet journeys and open eyes to see His grace in every step you take.