What are the traits you find most attractive?
Niceness? Humor? Physical attractiveness, sexiness, is probably near the top of most peoples’ lists.
‘Sexy’ sums up attractiveness for most of us. So what does it bring to mind? Perfectly formed and toned physiques? Barbie figures. Ken doll look a likes. Do you think of Kate Middleton and her Prince, William?
I would like to offer my own personal choice – faithfulness – as a character trait worth talking about.
Perhaps not so sexy a virtue, I believe it should be on the Top 3 List of important traits to look for.
When I look at our world, I can’t help but notice unfaithfulness appears to be skyrocketing. Dare I say even, trendy?
We all have been touched by unfaithfulness – either, personally or with someone near to us. I’m not just talking about marital unfaithfulness – it might happen in our work lives, our friendships, our families, or in our relationship with God. I’ve been on both sides.
Faithfulness, you see, takes work.
‘Faithfulness is doing the right thing not just once, but over and over again’.
Faithfulness requires more.
“More” – is my grandson Clarky’s favorite word (it sounds like ‘mow’ when he says it) and he says it after anything good.
After I sing Clarky his favorite song ‘Ten Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed‘, he’s still jumping up and down when he gleefully screams “More!”. After finishing up his favorite cookie, “More!”, he says with his mouth still full from his last bite. After a game of ‘Hide & Seek’, Clarky style, he runs – you chase, once again, “More!”
More is harder than it looks. Repetition requires work. Endurance.
You gotta know – our hearts will fail us. Mine has. Our hearts become weary and worn out.
More is no small thing.
It requires endurance. Our lives are a marathon of mores and we won’t always make it to the finish line.
When that happens, God’s got us covered. He knows our every weakness. He offers us just what we need to get back up and do it again.
New hearts. Softened hearts. Strengthened hearts.
His very heart transplanted in us. Then, He gives us the blood of forgiveness – His – to wash over us and give us the new life and strength we need to start over again.
One more time.
Faithfulness has become a subject near and dear to my heart. It didn’t used to be, but after years of an unexplained illness and the unspeakable losses that occurred with it – I couldn’t help but notice my hubby stayed by. Close by. Loss after loss, year after year.
I now understand the power of presence. I get it! I get why when God says He will never leave us – it’s huge! It’s more important than a quick fix. Presence is the biggest gift of all. Standing by – that’s what faithfulness looks like to me.
Here are some other thoughts on what faithfulness looks like…….
- Faithfulness looks like…. a mother who stays at the hospital 24/7 with her dying child until the child’s last breath – holding that child tight in her arms.
- Faithfulness looks like…. daily visits to the nursing home sitting with your loved one – day after day, month after month, year after year.
- Faithfulness looks like….. a soldier in a far off outpost in the Middle East, living far from family & home, giving his/her all to protect our country day in and day out.
- Faithfulness looks like….. help with homework, being there for sport events and school plays, making lunch for someone day after day.
- Faithfulness is not perfection, rather listening ears and a forgiving heart, and the present of presence.
Faithfulness isn’t always pretty – it may involve hospital halls and unpleasant odors and hair loss and a whole host of other losses….
But, faithfulness is always beautiful!
No surprise that faithfulness is one of the most often mentioned character traits of God.
A biggee in the God nature. Unbelievable when we consider who God chooses to love. Us! Weak and fault filled, bad mouthed, ungrateful – often, unfaithful. Truly, we are not so attractive a bunch in terms of being the ‘Beloved’ of God Himself.
Yet, God has chosen us, called us, named us His Bride – His treasured possession – His Beloved. And, as His Beloved He has made us promises, similar to the covenants, or promises made in marriage.
God has promised us His faithfulness – His love, forever.
“Though the mountains be shaken….yet my unfailing love will not be shaken.” – Isaiah 54:10
“The Lord Himself goes with you and will be with you. He will never leave you or forsake you”.
– Deuteronomy 31:8
Faithfulness. Love standing firm. Unmovable. Never leaving. Unfailing.
God’s love stands firm.
Faithful love is a rare treasure, reflecting God’s nature – sweet, pure and light – and to some of us, even sexy!
**Lord, Create in us clean hearts – new hearts – to follow after You more.
**Summer plans….have you ever tried a ‘small plate meal’ at a restaurant? In hamburger language – it would be sliders, instead of a Big Mac. Well, this July and August I’m opting for lighter fare on the blog menu! That means, shorter posts – less words, I’m hoping for ‘short & sweet’! It’s my way of adding in a rhythm of summer, I may even add in a list post or two (I love lists!).
Linking up with: Holley’s CoffeeformyHeart, Kelly’s RaRaLinkUp, Lyli’s FaithonFire,