Yesterday a dear friend and I, for over 30 years (those are the sweetest), sat in a Starbucks with our steaming 16 ounce lattes, and talked about that ever illusive – hard to catch thing – connection.
We both admit – we crave connections – think about connections – want and plan for more connections.
It’s kind of like chocolate for me – I can’t seem to get enough.
I not only crave connections, I expect them.
If I am in a group setting with others – no matter where (work, church, home), I expect to make a meaningful connection. I expect some type of emotional attachment – being heard and loved for who I am.
“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.” ― Brené Brown
Connections matter.
If I am honest with myself, my picture of connectedness might look like an episode from the TV show “Friends”.
My friends would always be available for my every need (they live across the hall, right?), our conversations would be witty, these friends would be attractive, not needy, and time with them would always hit my emotional happy place.
Not…. what my life looks like!
First off, I crave connections, but I find that in social gatherings, I often leave feeling disconnected, somehow ‘off’.
There have been more instances than I care to count when I’ve felt alone in places that I’d expected to have comradery and fellowship.
Connections for me often come in unexpected places, with people I don’t expect to connect to.
Connections are like the bubbles pouring out of the bubble machine on the curb at my local art store – they float all around me, touching me with their beauty – but when I reach out to grab one – they pop and disappear in my hand.
Connections can’t be ordered up – like our favorite coffee drink.
They happen when they happen – like that ever elusive bubble that I can’t seem to catch as it floats by me.
You and I are clearly made for connections – we seem hardwired with a drive to connect. This is no freak accident of nature. But, how do we meet our need to connect?
I think we all want a simple “how to” answer – to make our connections ‘work’ – to meet and fill our needs.
What I’m wondering – is if that small ache we feel – that ever present hunger for connections, is what Solomon described as: “eternity in the heart of man” (Ecc. 3;11).
Perhaps, the something more we crave – is a God made hole that can only be filled at the end of time, when God’s ultimate plan – oneness – the diversity of mankind melded into a heavenly whole, will be unraveled and displayed in all its splendor.
[tweetthis display_mode=”box”]Connection and the working of it – a mystery.[/tweetthis]
A mystery of God’s design, God’s handiwork. A great mystery, with great purpose – part of His will and design.
“God made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Christ…to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.” -Ephesians 1:9
The best description I can find, of a “how-to” approach to intention and purpose connection is this:
“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Luke 10:27
My job – loving God and loving others.
God’s job – bringing about His ultimate plan – His design for our hearts – the unsolvable mystery – oneness.
**Lord, we look to you, the Author of Life, the Designer Extraordinaire, the One whose purposes and plans never fail. Lord, fill the deep places in us that crave connection. Lead us – in our weakness, in our wants, in this our heart’s desire – to connect. We trust in you.
This post was one I published a year ago, which I decided to recycle as this topic is near and dear to my heart – always a trending topic for me!
Linking up with: Holley’s CoffeeformyHeart, Lyli’s ThoughtProvokingThursday
Sandra, the words of this post sound as if you have had one of those wonderful conversations on the subject with me over lattes! Your heart and mine connect a great deal in just the way you describe and it delighted and warmed me as I read it. Thanks so much for the clarity and insight reflected in your words here.
Pam, I am so glad to ‘connect’ with you on this post – it blessed me that you felt like we had spoken over coffee, that was my intent. I appreciate our blogging connection, even if there isn’t a steaming cuppa’ sitting in between us! May God bless you today, Pam.
This is a great post for this season of my life. We launch our new small groups on Sunday. I usually know the women in the group I lead. This semester, there will be many new faces. I am hopeful for the kind of connection you describe here. Visiting from #coffeeforyourheart.
Kelly, Thanks for the visit! Some of my best connections have happened through women’s Bible Studies, especially when its been with a new group – God seems to delight in our fellowshipping and blesses it. I pray your study this week will be a true blessing!